
What is the Difference between SEO and SMM?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing) are essential part of digital marketing and both are aimed to increase the traffic of a given website. The major difference between SEO and SMM is the platform which they use for their services. SEO uses search engine like Google, Yahoo, etc., while SMM uses different social media such...

Artificial Intelligence to Transform Social Media Marketing

We live in an era with rapid technological changes, so to succeed, we need to update with the latest constantly. Gone are the days when traditional marketing techniques like pamphlets, newspaper ads, TV ads, and house-to-house marketing were used to gain more clients. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence or AI and Social Media Marketing are at the core of most business functions. From...

What is SEO & Why is it Important?

What is SEO? In simplest words, SEO (Search Engine optimization) helps to increase the online visibility of websites in a web search engine. SEO helps increase the number of visitors on the website to make it appear on top search engine results that are referred to as unpaid or organic results. So basically, SEO optimizes online content through search engines such...

What are the Skills Required for SEO?

These days, soft skills are considered crucial for most businesses success. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the ability to write good copy & content is considered a fundamental skill which is growing with the time respectively. For instance, in a company, different skill sets are required for other work, and altogether, these help establish a successful business....

What is Meant by SEO in Digital Marketing?

Let us first understand the meaning of the word SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization- which means it is a process or a system which helps you to increase the number of people visiting your website. Search engine optimization, or SEO, collects all the relevant information from the web pages and then displays the...

Top SEO Benefits of Responsive Web Design

In our tech savvy world, Responsive Web Design has become a necessity, as almost everything these days revolves around web browsing and E-commerce. Brands need to deliver user-friendly mobile experiences to their visitors, but many brands are failing to deliver this. As per recent study given by LogMeln, it was found that only 52% of users were...

What is Digital Marketing Training?

Digital marketing in easy words means Internet marketing used to promote products or services using digital means. It is widely used for brand promotion and brand awareness. In our times, almost everything is online and so digital marketing plays crucial role for a successful business. There are many ways by which online promotion can take place like blog...